how to use ola hallengren scripts

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  • Postado em 19 de dezembro, 2020

    How are you measuring that the results are better? Figure 11: The most important parameters in IndexOptimize. His goal was to remove the hodgepodge collection of jobs and to create an easy-to-deploy solution that could be easily rolled out across a large environment of mission critical servers. Firstly, thanks to Ola for publishing these scripts. The other purpose of Ola’s script is running Update Statistics. This job performs a DBCC CHECKDB on all the system databases, looking for potential database corruption. As more and more people embrace GitHub and are getting used to how it works, the feature suggestions have been rolling in. Query that for errors. Where the dm_db_index_physical_stats DMV is used, the parameter “LIMITED” is sent for the mode. Because the system databases are generally small, running this job should not take long. On the other hand, there are a lot of experienced DBAs who lack the time, and there are many novice DBAs who don’t have the knowledge or experience, to create their own custom scripts. I’m going to watch that when I have some time. Vesa – you are writing a comment in a blog post about script defaults, and you’re asking a completely unrelated question. If you are like me and use the Ola Hallengren set of free scripts to help manage backups, checkdbs, and index maintenance operations then you may find yourself needing to dive into the Command Log history to calculate the duration of some of your common operations. The command is too small to read in figure 14 above, so here is the text of the command for this job. It is also supported on all editions of SQL Server. Can you contact Ola? Honestly, I wouldn’t be doing defrags on a regular basis on a table of this size. This helps in situations where a firehose of index reorg traffic is hitting your log but log truncations are prevented or delayed (full backup, CDC or replication log reader gets behind). While it is possible to create a decent database maintenance plan using the Maintenance Plan Wizard (see my free eBook: Brad’s Sure Guide to SQL Server Maintenance Plans), the tool is not very flexible, and if it isn’t properly used, it can result in poor database maintenance. It’s like walking into a restaurant and asking for a haircut. One such tool that has been highly recommended for the last several years is the SQL Server Maintenance Solution created by Ola Hallengren Just keep your backup schedule in mind – if you do full backups weekly on Saturday, followed by differential backups the rest of the week, don’t do your index rebuilds on Sunday. We’re in the process of deploying Ola’s scripts, and I’m curious about the @OnlyModifiedStatistics parameter. Along the lines of keeping a master version in a central location – I personally have a central “utility” SQL Server instance with my core DBADB (which every instance I administer has) to house the main versions of all the administrative scripts that I want in each and every instance. Jon – for support, you’re best off contacting Ola. You can find more details at Yeah, pretty much – if you reach the halfway point, a rollback might end up running outside of your maintenance window. So at this point, if this article has sparked an interest in Ola’s script, then download it and install it on a test server and try it out. You should find that one of the rebuild steps failed. Limit the checks to the physical structures of the database. But a good place to start would be to dial back on the frequency…once a day, for example…and then analyse the CommandLog table and figure out where you are seeing fragmentation building up. I personally think the 1,000 page limit is conservative and on most systems would raise it a bit higher. You may choose to run this job daily, weekly, or monthly. Hi Brent. However, the index maintenance defaults aren’t good for everyone. Ola Hallengren’s scripts; 3rd party products from Red Gate, Minion, etc. By default, the value for FragmentationLevel1 is set to 5 (5%). Your email address will not be published. In addition, none of the jobs have been scheduled, because you, as the DBA, must decide what jobs you want to run, and when, in order to minimize the performance impact these jobs can have when they execute. Have you come across this before? This job analyzes all of the indexes in all of your user databases, and based on the size of the indexes, and the fragmentation level of the databases, determines if the index should be ignored, reorganized, or rebuilt. My question here is how do we determine the cause of the job getting failed. When backing-up databases, I'm experiencing an issue with excluding certain databases. I’m not saying you should stop – but I’m saying you should use it to solve a problem. Think of this stored procedure as a subroutine that is required for the other stored procedures to work. What’s the problem you’re trying to solve with reindexing every 2 hours? Any directions? Will do that. If the index’s design or your SQL Server edition doesn’t allow for that, it’ll perform the last resort – an offline index rebuild. If you maintain IndexOptimize across a lot of servers, and you keep a single master version in a central location, this works. Is there any benefit to rebuilding stats on a column that wasn’t modified at all? Do you guys ever recommend it to any of your clients? When the MAXDOP is set at the server level, do we need to set the MAXDOP at the OLA index rebuild jobs. I do the weekly full backup and a daily diff. They’re better than yours (trust me), and they give you more flexibility than built-in maintenance plans. The mandatory step is that you must schedule this job, as this is not done for you. Then Agent jobs execute wrapper stored procedures that read the config tables and pass the parameters to Ola’s index defrag and backup etc stored procedures. Keep up with the good Work! DatabaseBackup is the SQL Server Maintenance Solution’s stored procedure for backing up databases. (Meaning, users aren’t running in complaining about high fragmentation – they’re complaining about something else. I also really like Ola Hallengren’s free scripts for all your DBA broom and dustpan needs. In this article, we are going to take a look at a Transact-SQL database maintenance script written by Ola Hallengren, which not only offers great flexibility to meet the needs of most any database (SQL Server 2005 and newer), it is easy to implement, even by inexperienced DBAs. They are now part of my standard config when I take over an environment. All of this is to say that it is a mix of content from 2016 and now. Indicate, as a percentage, how full the pages should be made when rebuilding indexes. Unfortunately our 2008 R2 Editions are Standard. The cost of trying to keep it unfragmented throughout the day is more than the cost of just letting it fragment and fixing it overnight, but every scenario may be slightly different. When you place a pre-defined token inside a job step script, when the script is executed, SQL Server Agent replaces the token at run time. I see a minimum number of pages setting for skipping, but not a max. So what’s the point of all the complexity? As you have probably guessed, this stored procedure is designed to check the integrity of your databases. This job is designed to create differential backups of your user databases. Edit: Thinking back, I remember an incident where a stats update job took 15+ hours because of fullscan with column stats. I think parallel index create/rebuild is a really useful feature of Enterprise Edition, so I would want to really know it was making a difference before turning it off. So it will skip those DBs if the total page is 10000 or less. Just wondering if anyone else had encountered that issue (BTW: my setting is @Databases = ‘USER_DATABASES’,). In the past there would be maintenance related tickets escalated that ranged from jobs running on top of each other to issues with the underlying storage or configuration. These defaults aren’t dangerous or deadly, but they do have drawbacks. Note: Many of the default values found in this script, such as what defines Low, Medium, and High fragmentation, come from recommendations from Microsoft. Note: In my first job example, I will spend extra time explaining how the sqlcmd utility and tokens are used, along with an explanation of how the job works. The hyphen character (-) is used to exclude databases, and the percent character (%) is used for wildcard selection. Magnus – when choosing clustering keys, you want to pick something that follows the NUSE guideline: narrow, unique, static, and ever-increasing. Thanks to you as well for giving this some thought. Any good database maintenance plan will include the core tasks of backups, integrity checks, index checks, and other types of maintenance tasks. This also sounds harmless, but if you’re doing differential backups or storage replication, boom, you just inflated your storage and bandwidth costs. this to only, re-organize, EXECUTE dbo.IndexOptimize @Databases = ‘AdventureWorks2016’, @FragmentationLow = NULL, @FragmentationMedium = ‘INDEX_REORGANIZE’, @FragmentationHigh = ‘INDEX_REORGANIZE’, @FragmentationLevel1 = 30, @FragmentationLevel2 = 80, @Indexes = ‘ALL_INDEXES, -AdventureWorks2016.Person.StateProvince’. The default (NULL) is LIMITED.” but this doesn’t really explain what it really means? Once you have done so, you can decide if you want to use them as is, modify them, or ignore then altogether and create your own custom jobs. In figure 9 and 10 below, you see the available parameters. Maxdop 1 could prevent corruption for online rebuilds in some versions of SQL Server: Thanks for the reply on previous question. I want to log to a table. But, is that not antiquated because of higher IO performance? It’s been on the magnitude of hours across an entire instance. DETAILED mode reads the whole dang thing…for smaller indexes, not a big problem, but could be rather costly on your big indexes. Index maintenance changes data pages and creates transaction log records. Another thing we added as a slight tweak recently…a separate step to reorganize CDC system tables. When statistics are obtained, even a FULLSCAN does this mean that not all of the available data will be taken into account. I was looking for an option to exclude a system table where it gets stuck. Bo, as far as I know this limitation is in place because very small indexes are going to get fragmented very quickly anyways and so it does not make much sense to care about them. Specify the Quest LiteSpeed for SQL Server, Red Gate SQL Backup, or Idera SQL safe backup number of threads. Thanks in advance. Why reinvent something that does it all, safely and well. This gives me a nice and simple automated method of checking if Ola’s maintenance script has been correctly installed. It’s a fantastic bit of code, my hat is off to him. -- <== Change this to your backup directory. It does take longer (could take a really long time), results in greater I/O utilization, and possibly requires increased tempdb space, but the results are better. ‘_abcd’ actually is a view and the stored procedure is unable to update statistics on view and it fails. If you want to change the 30 day value, you can do so by directly editing the command line for the job, changing it from 30 to whatever number of days works best for you. Well, I am not Brent, but assuming you have run the whole “installation” script, there should be table CommandLog. Get the latest news and training with the monthly Redgate UpdateSign up. Hi Brett: You made recommendations on index optimization in this article and explained why. Support for SQL Server 2017 on Linux is still work in progress. One DB still in the testing stage on a new server is extremely volatile as it is constantly rolling up detailed daily data to weekly and eventually to monthly. The more of these you can follow, the easier performance management will be. I am running IndexOptimize on a Sql 2008 Server. We have a 10TB database and we use Ola Hallengren maintenance plan for rebuilding the indexes. Ola’s script doesn’t include an “IndexOptimize – SYSTEM_DATABASES” job. We have been using this script on our SQL servers for months now, and the index optimize job is the only one I can’t figure out. Juan – that sounds like you’ve restored the wrong database, or your backup scripts had errors. In figure 7  and 8 below, you see the available parameters.. The are total of 27 parameters that can be used to configure the procedure. But for last week it was observed that the maintenance job was shown as failed without any proper reason and when checked the output file, we could see that all the indexes were re-build and re-organized. We’ve recommended it when we’ve looked at somebody’s system closely and said, “Yep, this is the best way to solve a particular problem,” but I just wouldn’t recommend it as a default unless we’ve looked at a system. I doubt if am I the first to care about it over fragmentation. For instance, if I have a job that runs 12 hours and it is critical, I want to run it outside those hours on that particular table. If you don’t want the script to log to a table, then replace ‘Y’ with ‘N’.. They do get a LOT of inserts/deletes during the day. Brad is a frequent speaker at User Groups and industry events (including SQL PASS, SQL Server Connections, devLINK, SQLBits, SQL Saturdays, TechFests and Code Camps), where he shares his 16 years of cumulative knowledge and experience. Select databases. Of all the maintenance stored procedures, the IndexOptimize is the most complex to configure with a total of 22 different parameters. BTW: the proc defrags other DB indexes on the same server. If the pain is bad, and we can’t fix the problem during the maintenance window, that’s a great data point to take to management and say “Look, you need X to happen. In the third option, you can enter the location where you want your backups to be stored. I did notice that there have been minor changes to the script over time, nothing major that I saw, but there are some differences. Some DBAs prefer to create a single job to perform full backups of user and system databases at the same time. Another common way for more experienced DBAs to create database maintenance plans is to create custom T-SQL or PowerShell scripts to perform database maintenance. You trust your database backups and integrity checks to him, and he has been KILLING IT on new features lately. Here are ways I can solve the problem and here’s what each one costs. sqlcmd -E -S SQLSERVER -d master -Q "EXECUTE dbo.DatabaseBackup @Databases = 'USER_DATABASES', @Directory = N'T:\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup', … This means that any index that has index fragmentation below 5% is considered to have Low fragmentation. That is because it is not always possible to rebuild an index online in SQL Server. If you want to change the 30 day value, you can do so by directly editing the command line for the job, changing it from 30 to whatever number of days works best for you. Back in 2007, Ola began a project to improve the database maintenance within a large SQL Server environment. CommandExecute is actually a useful general way of executing strings of TSQL commands. This leaves us with the level of fragmentation that is 5% and above and below 30%. This job simply deletes log files created by the various database maintenance jobs that are over 30 days old. I believe that is still Microsoft best practice. If you want to change the 30 day value, you can do so by directly editing the command line for the job, changing it from 30 to whatever number of days works best for you. I’m currently using his scripts on new 2012 and 2014 servers that I’m migrating older and relatively small databases. If you want to do this, you will have to alter one of the four jobs so that it performs all four tasks, and then delete the remaining three you don’t need, as the script does not provide this option. Fortunately, this is not the case, because there are many DBAs who have written generic database maintenance scripts that are much more flexible and powerful than those created with the Maintenance Wizard. This job deletes job (SQL Server Agent jobs) history from the msdb database that is over 30 days old using the system stored procedure sp_purge_jobhistory. We will need to modify these scripts slightly to consider things like the use of single quotes, etc. That instantly has the effect of inflating your differential backups all week long. Other than stopping the operation if it isn’t done by the time my maintenance window closes, is there anything else to do? Figure 5: The DatabaseBackup stored procedure offers many options to control how backups are made. I will try this too to see if this rebuilding indexes offline is causing the issue. Low, Medium and High fragmentation are defined by two of the other available parameters: Fragmentationlevel1 and FragmentationLevel2. I can use this for one server or many by passing in an array of servers (although they must use the same folder for backing up whether that is UNC or local) I can also add this to an automated build process to ensure that everything has been deployed correctly. Let’s break down this command into its constituent parts. Viewed 1k times 2. Dave – for support questions with Ola’s script, you’re best off contacting Ola. The larger your database becomes, the more you’ll start to investigate these recovery options, and the more index maintenance starts to backfire. Set the time, in seconds, after which no commands are executed. I suspect that the reason Ola gives an option for @OnlyModifiedStatistics and defaults it to ‘N’ is that the methods for telling if data has been modified have changed a lot and aren’t always very reliable. Here’s how: Replace C:\Backup’ with the pathname of the location where your backups are to be stored. The SQL Server community recommends… Here’s how they ship: The defaults on some of these parameters are a little tricky: When an index is between @FragmentationLevel1 (5%) and @FragmentationLevel2 (30%), the scripts will perform the actions listed in @FragmentationMedium, in order. Currently it is by default ‘Y’ . Figure 8: This table explains all of the database integrity checking options. It´s always 15-20% fragementation (on a HUGH table with 1,200,000,000 rows). Before we take a quick look at each of the jobs, we first need to briefly discuss how Ola’s script creates jobs. I want to talk about it here because the script uses a lot of tokens in the output file path. This setting is only required if you are also having the script create the maintenance jobs for you as this path is used as the location of the backup files for the backup jobs that are created. Personally, that’s the main time I’d recommend considering it, but the runtime may be painfully high. i was attending your Idera web cast for Index maintenance, while looking at my maintenance plane using Ola script, I have a quick question. Ola scripts these by default in his script because there’s typically no benefit to defragmenting them. We do alter his script slightly to install it in a different database and a different schema. I have limited FusionIO and I could land up in a sticky situation. Now we get to the stored procedure that is designed to perform backup-related maintenance tasks. Hi, what do you think about update statistics with Ola ? The default is ‘Y’, or yes. When I keep an eye on it, I want to review disk I/O, log growth, and CPU utilization during that maintenance window to determine if it’s worth the pain that I’m facing during business hours. Consider logging to a table (and Ola’s scripts support this too.) This script creates all the objects and jobs that you need. Still learning about the command parameters in the jobs. A well-respected name in SQL Server literature, Brad is the author or co-author of more than 15 technical books (freely available on SQLServerCentral) and over 275 published articles. © 2020 Brent Ozar Unlimited®. Automating this job would be great but I’d happily agree with you that there isn’t a good reason to do so also with limited space its risky. Given these choices, which option should the DBA pick to create their database maintenance plans? Another benefit of implementing a database maintenance plan is that it helps to prevent, or at least to catch early, many different kinds of database-related problems. If you want to change the 30 day value, you can do so by directly editing the command line for the job, changing it from 30 to whatever number of days works best for you. ;(. Specify the time, in hours, after which the backup files are deleted. You may choose to run this job daily, weekly, or monthly. Be sure to schedule this job so that it runs after a full backup. The only required parameter for the IndexOptimize stored procedure is the first one, which specifies which database(s) you want the maintenance performed on. And why? So Ola uses sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats with LIMITED keyword and that will return the same as SSMS 1,10 fragmentation. He is now the editor of the SQL Server Central Stairway series. It’s a good position to be in though. Do you suggest running the index maintenance job on very large tables unattended? If you plan to use this job, you still have one mandatory step you must take, and several optional steps. Is it possible to tweak index defrag and update statistics so if an index is rebuilt it´s not necessery to do update statistics on it? (This is the only Ola’s Maintenance Scripts “forum” I could find.). So if you have three partitions, one heavily fragmented, two not, it will calculate fragmentation across all three partitions and then evaluate against the threshold, then rebuild or reorg the whole thing. For this stored procedure, only the first parameter is required, while all of the rest have default values. Ola’s script is designed to cover the most common database maintenance tasks, which include: Each of the above features can be run with default settings, or various parameters can be changed to customize how the maintenance tasks run on your SQL Server instances. Had lots of indexes with fragmentation ranging from 90% to 99%. What does “keep an eye on it” really mean though? I can’t make it happen with what we have today. Someone may have created a unique clustered index on that view or something tricky like that. what do you means by index level. Not perfect or elegant but may get you closer to what you want without actually editing IndexOptimize. Personally, I prefer to create my own jobs manually in order to have more control over how they work, and that’s how I have implemented Ola’s script in the past. If you have a question about an unrelated topic, go to a place that specializes in answering them, and that would be Stack. The default is no limitation. Myself included. If you’re a production database administrator responsible for backups, corruption checking, and index maintenance on SQL Server, try Ola Hallengren’s free database maintenance scripts. Figure 6: This table explains all of the backup options you can set. Any thoughts on this? I’m not suggesting it is unnecessary to ever rebuild or re-organize, though. I suggest you only change these default values if you fully understand the implications of doing so. His backup, integrity check, and index optimization stored procedures are… Read More. What is that something else?). Agreed, we set this value to Y when we adopted this solution a few years ago – it’s been deployed to hundreds of instances since. We haven’t measured how more accurate statistics have allowed for better execution plans but experience dictates that bad stats have more often been the root cause of performance related tickets and not fragmented indexes. This creates an RPO/RTO problem without really solving a performance problem. There are many cases in which rebuilding a small index leaves it with the same fragmentation it had before, which leaves your job just constantly rebuilding them over and over again. I’m unsure about any single database, though. I know it can depends of our own needs, but do you still suggest to use Maintenance Plans if it fit our needs? Figure 4: The CommandExecute stored procedure is for internal use only. We will see an example of this later in the article. I find that a hammer doesn’t work so well on screws. Default they are created in the master database, but you can change it to the msdb database, or to a dba utility database if you prefer that. I have numerous replication subscribers that have to have backups done to keep log files under control. One of the most common ways that DBAs (especially accidental or novice DBAs) create database maintenance plans is to use the Maintenance Plan Wizard from within Management Studio (SSMS). In one case, I saw an all-solid-state server generate ~25GB of transaction logs in under 3 minutes – all of which had to be copied out to the various reporting and disaster recovery servers. I just felt that its something I should do from time to time. What method do you use for limiting the maximum number of pages for an index before skipping it (i.e. Stephen – correct, sometimes rebuilds are faster on different servers, different tables, different storage, different levels of fragmentation, etc. How to use the Ola Hallengren scripts? The fifth option is used to tell the script if you want to log to a table, in addition to the log – files. Now that you have had a chance to review the jobs that have been created by the script, and have learned how they work, you should be in a better position to determine if you want to use these jobs as is, to modify them, or to create your own. A Simple-Talk exclusive: Stars of the DBA in Space webisodes - Revealed! In my example is my index 100% (result running with DETAILED option) or 1,10% fragmented (result running with LIMITED option) in you opinion? For this stored procedure, only the first parameter is required. This stored procedure only has ten options, making it easier to configure than the previous one. Notice that there is no job created for index optimization for the system databases. my index is really fragmented but only detected by using heavy DETAILED scan? I love teaching, travel, and laughing. The default value for this is NULL, which means do not update statistics. Here’s what I would like to do. On the other hand, if you have not used the sqlcmd utility before, it may take you a little time before you fully understand how it works. In this way we can customize the index defrag and backup behavior for each DB as needed by updating the config tables without ever having to edit any Agent jobs (except in the case of changing the job schedule from the defaults) or modifying Ola’s scripts. Hi, Yes I understand that you do not provide support for Ola’s scripts. Specify the number of CPUs to use when rebuilding indexes. Each of the jobs created by the MaintenanceSolution.sql script creates a single step, and that step executes as an operating system (CmdExec) job. within the scripts from Ola. All of the other settings have default values and should meet the needs of most database environments. Update statistics only if any rows have been modified since the most recent statistics update. Manually schedule the pre-configured jobs to run at appropriate times. This question needs to be more focused. Set the lower limit, as a percentage, for high fragmentation. They’re better than yours (trust me), and they give you more flexibility than built-in maintenance plans. So in summary, if the maintenance window permits, is it worth switching this? Does any one have rebuilds automated on page density? And first thank you for your excellent scripts! I originally posted these steps back in 2016, but with Ola Hallengren updating his SQL Server Maintenance Solution recently, I felt it was time to review, update and refresh my blog post. [SQL Server 17] Hello, So I am relatively new to SQL in general, mild experience with MySQL but this is in terms of MS SQL. Lock timeout for indexes in standard edition my databases nightly works, the stored! Does that mean that highly fragmented indexes in place… defined by other parameters, and you keep a single.... That jobs are not automatically created, so here is what it really does need actual... 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